Hadi Al – Madani
Saturday, August 10, 2019
10:38 p.m.
Zamalek's president, Amir, and Ahmed Mourtada Mansour agreed with six coaches to form the team. They will choose between them to choose the next coach with the help of club experts next Tuesday.
"Six coaches have been selected, all at the highest level," Zamalek said in a recorded video posted on YouTube on Saturday. "The last one we talked to was Jesualdo Ferreira.
"The six coaches are better than some, and at 11 am on Tuesday morning I will hold a meeting between the club's board of directors and Zamalek's sons of the ball experts.The door will be open to all but Farouk Jaafar . "
He added: "We will present the biographies of the six coaches and the video recording with each coach as well as the agreed salary to the experts of the club's sons.
"Diaz is one of the favorites, but if there is a better name, we will sign it," he said.
Zamalek is preparing for the start of the African Champions League under the leadership of local coach Tarek Yahia.
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