Prince Abdullah bin Moussaed Abdul Aziz Al Saud won the legal battle for the title of owner of Sheffield United, the club of the Premier League.
Businessman Kevin Maccabi challenged Prince Abdullah's possession of the club with 50% of the shares.
But a British court has decided, according to the BBC, that Maccabi partner should sell his shares to Prince Abdullah bin Musaad for £ 5 million.
Maccabi, a fan of Sheffield, expressed his disappointment and said he was planning to appeal.
Prince Abdullah bin Musaed, for his part, expressed his joy to the referee and promised to build on what he saw as the successes of recent years and support his sports academy. . He also promised to buy the historic stadium "Bramalin" to join the club.
Maccabi, born in Sheffield, has invested £ 100 million in Sheffield United for years. Prince Abdullah met in 2013 in search of new investments in the club.
Oh my God, I do not count praise on you as you praised yourself pic.twitter.com/3XrIEXk4Pq
– Abdullah bin Mosaad (@ Saudi49er) September 16, 2019
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