Prince Al-Baha exposes 400 young men and women for marriage


His Royal Highness Prince Hossam Bin Saud bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Al Baha Region, sponsored the wedding ceremony of 400 young men and women organized by the Ministry of Labor, Social Development and Associations charities of the region. The Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in Shaik bin Mohammed Al-Shayq region as the branch and charitable organizations eager to support all programs and activities of interest to their work, including the program to prepare the next wedding. In this year 1439 AH, 286 young people, 214 girls and boys were trained for 520,000 riyals.Financial support for 400 young men and women amounted to 2,950,000 riyals.The total amount spent this year was 3,470,000 riyals. He thanked the emir of the region for his interest in the work of the branch, and thanked all the supporters of the charitable organizations and the organizing committee of the event. After that, Her Highness and the participants attended Aubrita Enschede with the participation of the South Band on this occasion. At the end of the ceremony, HRH Prince Hossam Bin Saud honored the sponsors and supporters of the association and the ceremony, and received a commemorative gift from the Director of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, with whom he took the commemorative photos

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