Prince Harry and Megan Markle make an official mission to the victims of New Zealand


Prince Harry (Prince HarryAnd his wife, Megan MarshallMeghan Markle) Visit of the cultural center of New ZealandNew Zealand HouseTuesday afternoon, in London, the British capital, the visit was intended to commemorate the memory of the victims of terrorist attacks in New Zealand. Earlier reports revealed that Duchess Sussex, who is expected to give birth to her first child in a few weeks, has officially started her maternity leave in anticipation of her child's birth. First of all, she is sure to join her husband.

Prince Harry and Megan Markle went to the New Zealand Cultural Center to offer their condolences

Prince Harry and his wife Megan Markle visited the New Zealand Cultural Center in London

Prince Harry and his wife, Megan, were received by the Duke of Sussex upon arrival at the New Zealand Cultural Center, Sir Jerry Mattbaray, High Commissioner for New Zealand to the United Kingdom.Sir Jerry MateparaeThe royal couple placed two baskets of flowers in front of the cultural center, then signed a letter of condolence to the victims of the terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, among the first to sign the book of condolences, which has made available to the public.

Megan Markle's Black View

Megan Markle, 37, appeared in an elegant, black-haired black dress, adorned with an elegant pair of earrings that she had received as a gift from New Zealand's premier, Jacinda ArdirnJacinda Ardern).

Megan Markle

An unexpected visit

The visit of Prince Harry and his wife, the Duchess of Sussex, was not announced in advance. It is thought that the royal couple would have been commissioned to represent the British royal family during this visit, as they were the last members of the British royal family to visit New Zealand last year as part of their royal tour in New Zealand. the Commonwealth.

Statement of conviction of Prince William and Prince Charles

The visit of Prince Harry and his wife just four days after the terrorist attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand during Friday's prayer, which left 50 dead and dozens wounded, it is appropriate to mention that Kensington Palace issued a statement on behalf of Prince William (Prince William) And his wife Kate Middleton (Kate Middleton), Prince Harry and his wife, Duchess Sussex, in which the victims cried, and a similar statement was published by the Queen of Wales and the Prince of Wales.

    Statement of conviction of Prince William and Prince Charles

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