Protect yourself from strokes and know the tricks for the heart of "iron" –


Protect yourself from strokes and know tips for the heart of

Abu Dhabi (Zaman) – The American Heart Association and the American Heart Association have recently released amendments to the guidelines on the best ways to prevent heart attacks, strokes and strokes..

The list of new recommendations, according to the website "Sky News" take off "Time", the following tips:

First, maintain a low blood pressure level, recent recommendations reiterating the need for people to maintain low blood pressure levels to prevent heart problems.

Second: To lower cholesterol, it is important to maintain a healthy heart, a balanced diet, exercise and quit smoking to lower cholesterol.

Third: the ideal weight, advised the amendments to the need to maintain their weight within acceptable limits through a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, grains and fish, and avoid sugar and processed meat .

Fourth: more movement, it is necessary to maintain the health of the cardiac exercise at least 150 minutes a week or 75 minutes of intensive physical exercise, emphasizing that the more you exercise, the more you are assured of prevent your heart.

Fifth, use of aspirin when needed Previous medical studies have emphasized the importance of people exposed to low-dose aspirin heart attacks, but recent research has warned against drug because it increases the risk of bleeding in the gut, especially in people with gastric ulcers.

The amendments recommended to cardiac patients to resort to aspirin only after the treatment of certain symptoms such as cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes, stressing that this drug should only be prescribed for the elderly over seventy years old.


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