Qatar Petroleum to explore energy resources on the Moroccan coast –


Qatar Petroleum (QP) announced today the signing of an agreement with the Italian Eni to acquire a stake in maritime concessions in Morocco.

In a statement, Qatar Energy announced its intention to acquire a 30% stake in the Tarfaya Marine Exploration Concession, which includes 12 areas off the coast of the Kingdom of Morocco on the 39th. Atlantic Ocean.

After the signing of the agreement, the maritime concessions will be distributed as follows: 45% for Eni, 25% for Morocco, the National Office of Hydrocarbons and Minerals and 30% for Qatar Petroleum.

Qatar Petroleum has annexed its statement to a map showing the site of the concession, located in southwestern Morocco, where the concession extends off the coast of the Kingdom, from Tan Tan to Tarfaya.

The Tarfaya concession for shallow marine exploration covers a total area of ​​approximately 23,900 square kilometers and waters up to 1,000 meters deep.

The first phase of exploration, which ends in 2020, will include a number of geological and geophysical studies to assess the full potential of the exploration areas.

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