Rami Malik: A Chinese channel has a word in which it refers to homosexuals


Rami Malik

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Malik: "We made a film about an immigrant homosexual who lived his life in a way that he does not regret"

The Chinese channel Mango TV has been criticized for distorting the content of the speech of the actor Rami Malik, winner of the Oscar for best actor of the year, during the broadcast of the ceremony of handing over prices on the Internet, the channel having changed section on homosexuality.

Speaking to Oscar for his role in "Bohimian Rhapsody," Malik said the film could help those who suffer because of their identity.

"We shot a movie about a homosexual, an immigrant who lived his life in a way he does not regret," Malik said.

But Mango TV, one of China's most popular TV channels, avoided using the term "gay" and instead translated it into "private group".

In the past, the channel has been criticized for misrepresenting the gay community at the Eurovision Song Contest.

The distortion of translation has caused a wave of criticism, online.

Tens of thousands of site users, "Sina Webbo", a Chinese microblogging site, cover the channel.

"Mango TV has translated" a gay man "into" private group "and was accompanied by a screenshot of the channel Mango.The blogger, Lingli Godo, was among the critics with 14 000 entries.

Another user wrote: "In today's society, many people still prejudge or discriminate by referring to" people with special characteristics ".

Another user wrote: "Even the word" gay "can not appear on our screens.

Other users have referred to previous incidents in which the Mango channel had censored certain contents.

In 2018, the European Broadcasting Union banned the Chinese channel from broadcasting the Eurovision Song Contest after censoring elements of the gay community, including the blurry rainbow flags worn by some public and symbolizing the gay community. .

"This censorship does not match our global values, their inclusion and our proud tradition, celebrating diversity through music," said the European Broadcasting Union.

Mango has not responded to criticisms on the Internet.

In recent years, the Chinese authorities have launched a campaign to remove the content, which it considers inappropriate.

In April, China's website announced its intention to ban the content of its program on homosexuality, but the decision was canceled after encountering huge opposition.

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