The study, which included medical analyzes of more than 18,000 participants over the age of 18, found that only 12% of participants had normal vitamin D levels, 25% had a moderate deficit and 50% had low levels of vitamin D. . And 13% have a serious vitamin D deficiency, which is associated with many diseases, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Demographic data obtained after the registration process showed that the number of men and women participants was close (49% of men and 51% of women) and that the highest enrollment rate was that of men and women. 25 to 34 years old.
"This study provides useful and meaningful insights into the health of the population, helps us to better understand the health status of participants and allows for new research in Qatar, which will play an important role in early detection of problems" said the director of Qatar, Nahla Afifi. This is essentially the main objective of Qatar Biobank's efforts to collect information and samples from the population. "
"The study is also an important educational resource, providing guidance to community members to improve their lives by following a healthy lifestyle."
In July 2018, Qatar Biobank led the Qatar Birth Study Group, the first of its kind in the Middle East, dealing with the mother and the child, aimed at assessing the role of synergistic environmental exposure and genetic factors in the development of chronic diseases. Generated on a large scale.
By creating a comprehensive picture of the environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors that contribute to the health problems that local people face early in life, it will help researchers and health professionals better diagnose diseases. , And provide the most effective treatments for diseases. "
Qatar Biobank will continue to collect biological samples from Qataris and residents to enable and support its medical research, which will help better diagnose diseases and determine health conditions, which will benefit the health of the country's population.
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