In just seven days we will see the successor to Redmi Note 7 Series. Xiaomi's affiliate, Redmi Note 8, was shown in a teaser video with a rock band where the drummer said "You can see more of this gorgeous world" with a 64-megapixel camera, which should be part of Redmi Note 8 Pro. Watch this video below:
If the August 29th date sounds familiar, it's because Redmi is also likely preparing to announce its first 70-inch smart TV on the same date. The Chinese company will unveil at least two phones on stage, and here it is for Redmi Note 8 and Redmi Note 8 Pro, but the differences between these two devices are still not known for sure.
More details on features and specifications should appear in the coming days, but we think the Redmi Note 8 Pro will be the only phone in the series to include the sensor with 64-megapixel resolution, while the Redmi Note 8 phone normal using a sensor accurately 48 megapixels.
Fatima Ait Taleb
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