Riad Mehrez moves from Leicester to Manchester City in a historic affair


After months of negotiations, Mehrez passes to the Premiership champion.

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Manchester City announced its contract with Algerian Riyad Mehrez of Leicester City after a long series of negotiations since January.

According to press reports, the Antafal is worth 65 million pounds to be the most expensive Arab and African player in history for five years.

Mehrz is screened in Manchester after the Leicester agreement to sell it

The 2016/2015 Premier League winner, Riyad Mehrez, was asked to leave two years ago but the management of the club refused his departure

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Pep Guardiola After a healthy injury last winter, they decided to enter into negotiations for the services of Mehrez, who agreed to join the Premiership at the time but the club's management continued to refuse despite the offer of 60 million pounds.He stayed away for a while before returning with a promise of leave at the end of the season

Mehrez moved to Leicester City in January 2014 to take part in 179 games with 48 goals and 38 assists.

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The 27-year-old was one of the main reasons why Leicester won the historic title with Claudio Ranieri before the World Cup. win in the quarterfinals of the Champions League. With Sergio Steerling, Leroy Sani and Bernardo Silva to reserve his place in the formation of Pep Guardiola.

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