Ribery likes "the meat in gold"

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This is famous Gocek In his distinctive way of cutting steaks The salt workshops, so its restaurants all year round become a favorite place for celebrities, especially its branches in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

And published a chef's nickname "With a salt lover" At the expense of your video restaurant to visit the player Bayern Munich German restaurant in the city DubaiAnd appeared Ribery He looks at sliced ​​gold-plated steaks before popping the salt himself.

The famous star appeared dazzled by the work of the Turkish chef before taking pictures together.

The winter break in Ribery Dubai is out of order, taking advantage of the suspension of the Bundesliga until mid-January.


Gokche is famous for its cup and salt cup, and its restaurants have become a special attraction for celebrities, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

The chef, nicknamed "Beshak al-Malh" at the restaurant's expense, watched a video of Bayern Munich's visit to the restaurant in Dubai.

The famous star appeared dazzled by the work of the Turkish chef before taking pictures together.

The winter break in Ribery Dubai is out of order, taking advantage of the suspension of the Bundesliga until mid-January.

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