Riyadh intervenes to solve the absolute crisis in America. A slap in the face of misleading media


Citizen – Translation: Mahmoud Nabil

Riyadh hit the New York Times after trying to exploit the story of US citizenship Bethany Vieira and the travel problem encountered during the past period.

The government intervened urgently in the case of the American woman who was shot dead by a citizen last year. Bethany Vieira revealed that Riyadh had intervened to settle his situation after his stay in the Kingdom.

Insider, who follows the story since the New York Times published the article, confirmed that Bethany, 31, had informed US media of the latest developments and had obtained legal status to stay with her daughter Zeina.

With her new stay, Vieira is now free to travel abroad and use her bank account again, but she will not be able to take her daughter with her during a trip to the United States because his father is always his guardian.

Vieira After moving to Saudi Arabia in 2011, she married a Saudi citizen, but the marriage eventually collapsed and the couple divorced last year.

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