As part of the activation of alternative means of resolution of labor disputes by putting in place the necessary mechanisms to implement the initiative of activation of the system of reconciliation offices, the Labor Court Riyadh referred some cases to the court's conciliation board.
The Conciliation Service of the Riyadh Labor Court succeeded in putting an end to the case of a Saudi who was the managing director of one of the companies, in the financial reconciliation between him and the defendant company, for a total of 850 000 riyals.
The plaintiff had seized the Riyadh Labor Court to demand from the company that she pays wages late since 2017, the annual premium, her rights for the remainder of the notice period and a material compensation under the law. 39, section 77 of the Labor Act.
For his part, the representative of the company confirmed that what was said in the lawsuit was true and that the dismissal of the plaintiff was motivated by a legitimate motive, namely the loss of the company in recent years. During the reconciliation, both parties agreed to surrender the rights and financial claims of the claimant.
The labor courts have begun to impose a fine on anyone who does not respect the right of the worker and does not pay his wages on time.
Under section 49 of the Labor Code, if it is established by the court that the employer has not paid the worker on time and without any legitimate justification or justification, he A fine of up to two times the overdue salary will be imposed and will be deposited in the Human Resources Development Fund for investment. Support the employment of citizens in the private sector.
This will limit employer delays in the payment of workers' rights, reduce the number of lawsuits and wage disputes, and activate the role of alternative means in conflict resolution. Many companies and institutions that procrastinate will fear being fined, and the speed of reconciliation and reconciliation.
The Minister of Justice and the President of the High Council of the Judiciary Sheikh Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samani, have issued a circular addressed to all departments of the Ministry, as well as the minutes of reconciliation ratified by the administrations of the friendly settlement of labor disputes.
The Riyadh Labor Court dismisses the complaint of an employee of 850,000 SR
Abdullah Al Barqawi
As part of the activation of alternative means of resolution of labor disputes by putting in place the necessary mechanisms to implement the initiative of activation of the system of reconciliation offices, the Labor Court Riyadh referred some cases to the court's conciliation board.
The Conciliation Service of the Riyadh Labor Court succeeded in putting an end to the case of a Saudi who was the managing director of one of the companies, in the financial reconciliation between him and the defendant company, for a total of 850 000 riyals.
The plaintiff had seized the Riyadh Labor Court to demand from the company that she pays wages late since 2017, the annual premium, her rights for the remainder of the notice period and a material compensation under the law. 39, section 77 of the Labor Act.
For his part, the representative of the company confirmed that what was said in the lawsuit was true and that the dismissal of the plaintiff was motivated by a legitimate motive, namely the loss of the company in recent years. During the reconciliation, both parties agreed to surrender the rights and financial claims of the claimant.
The labor courts have begun to impose a fine on anyone who does not respect the right of the worker and does not pay his wages on time.
Under section 49 of the Labor Code, if it is established by the court that the employer has not paid the worker on time and without any legitimate justification or justification, he A fine of up to two times the overdue salary will be imposed and will be deposited in the Human Resources Development Fund for investment. Support the employment of citizens in the private sector.
This will limit employer delays in the payment of workers' rights, reduce the number of lawsuits and wage disputes, and activate the role of alternative means in conflict resolution. Many companies and institutions that procrastinate will fear being fined, and the speed of reconciliation and reconciliation.
The Minister of Justice and the President of the High Council of the Judiciary Sheikh Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samani, have issued a circular addressed to all departments of the Ministry, as well as the minutes of reconciliation ratified by the administrations of the friendly settlement of labor disputes.
March 26, 2019 – 19 Rajab 1440
The time now is 04:04 AM

As part of the activation of alternative means of resolution of labor disputes by putting in place the necessary mechanisms to implement the initiative of activation of the system of reconciliation offices, the Labor Court Riyadh referred some cases to the court's conciliation board.
The Conciliation Service of the Riyadh Labor Court succeeded in putting an end to the case of a Saudi who was the managing director of one of the companies, in the financial reconciliation between him and the defendant company, for a total of 850 000 riyals.
The plaintiff had seized the Riyadh Labor Court to demand from the company that she pays wages late since 2017, the annual premium, her rights for the remainder of the notice period and a material compensation under the law. 39, section 77 of the Labor Act.
For his part, the representative of the company confirmed that what was said in the lawsuit was true and that the dismissal of the plaintiff was motivated by a legitimate motive, namely the loss of the company in recent years. During the reconciliation, both parties agreed to surrender the rights and financial claims of the claimant.
The labor courts have begun to impose a fine on anyone who does not respect the right of the worker and does not pay his wages on time.
Under section 49 of the Labor Code, if it is established by the court that the employer has not paid the worker on time and without any legitimate justification or justification, he A fine of up to two times the overdue salary will be imposed and will be deposited in the Human Resources Development Fund for investment. Support the employment of citizens in the private sector.
This will limit employer delays in the payment of workers' rights, reduce the number of lawsuits and wage disputes, and activate the role of alternative means in conflict resolution. Many companies and institutions that procrastinate will fear being fined, and the speed of reconciliation and reconciliation.
The Minister of Justice and the President of the High Council of the Judiciary Sheikh Walid bin Mohammed Al-Samani, have issued a circular addressed to all departments of the Ministry, as well as the minutes of reconciliation ratified by the administrations of the friendly settlement of labor disputes.
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