Rogina raises controversy on his beach


Rana Salah El Din – Cairo – Hoyada Abu Simk

The Egyptian artist Rogina raised a storm of criticism after her audience took part in her photo while she was on vacation at the resort.

Rogina appeared on the photo on the beach and published it through Anastagram, where she was wearing a swimsuit, wearing a transparent dress showing her body, and the audience marveled that the The artist does not have the habit of publishing similar images.

Rogina was criticized by the public for posting this photo, and the public did not like her hair after she had cut it, which she had recently chosen.

There are a number of artists who have angered the public through their photos on the beach, including Mina Fadali, Nelly Karim, Hind Rida. Thank you for reading a report on the controversial Rogina tour on the beach. Look on Gulf 365 and let you know that the content of the subject was written by Glouley and may have been fully transcribed or quoted from him. Read and follow the news of this source from the main source of the following link Glouley and we are not responsible for the content of this news with the best wishes for Happy Day.

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