Russian innovation accelerates three times the healing of fractures


Russian innovation accelerates three times the healing of fractures


Radial image showing osteitis

Scientists from the National University of Technology Research in Russia have invented a new material, nanofibromos, that accelerates the healing of bone fractures and helps heal other bone diseases.

The use of low melting biodegradable organic polymers, widely used in medicine, has shown that they are suitable for the manufacture of self-absorbed body parts.

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New glass powder to treat bone fractures faster

Scientists at the National University of Technology Research have announced that they have tested a thin layer of titanium, calcium, phosphorus, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen compounds on microscopic fibers. of polycaprolactone. Cell division at the surface was three times slower.

These medical products allow for a rapid healing of bone fractures and the effectiveness of osteoporosis improves its effectiveness after the treatment of osteitis or osteoporosis.

Source: Rambler

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