Samsung announced Tuesday its latest Galaxy A series phones, the Galaxy A70, which offers the same design as the previous phones in the series but with a big screen and other powerful specs, such as the sensor of the day. fingerprint on the screen and 3 cameras Background
"The Galaxy A70, designed with Samsung's latest innovations and enhanced core functionality, features a sleek design, an infinite screen, an enhanced triple camera, a powerful battery and seamless connectivity," said Samsung in a brochure on its blog.
The new Galaxy A70, 7.9mm thick, features a 6.7 "widescreen display with a resolution of 2400 × 1080 pixels, a 20: 9 aspect ratio and a front camera hump Super AMOLED.
The phone offers a RAM of 6 or 8 gigabytes (GB) and provides 128 GB of internal storage with capacity up to 512 GB via microSD memory cards.
The Galaxy A70, equipped with Google's Android 9 operating system, is equipped with an eight-core processor that does not specify its type, but that works at 2 Ghz. It also has a battery of 4,500 mAh for a fast charge of 25 W, Galaxy phones exceed the threshold of 18 watts, with the exception of the Galaxy S10 5G, which has not yet been set. sale.
The device features three 32-megapixel backpacks and a f / 1.7 main lens, an 8-megapixel camera and a second f / 2.2 lens for 123-degree wide-angle photography, the third with 5-megapixel camera for In-focus shooting with f / 2.2 lens slot, 32-inch front camera The megapixel also has a f / 2.0 lens slot.
Samsung plans to launch the new Galaxy A70 in four colors – blue, black, purple and white – and plans to reveal more details about the phone at its April 10 event.
Samsung announces the Galaxy A70 with a 6.7 inch screen and 3 rear cameras
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