Samsung is launching new phones with the next Galaxy M Series next year, the Galaxy M21, the Galaxy M31 and the Galaxy M41.
The leaks revealed some technical specifications of the phones as follows:
Galaxy M21
The phone will arrive with the Exynos 9609 processor currently used in both Motorola One Action and Motorola One Vision phones, and a random size of 4GB, as well as two cameras in the backend with a precision of 24 megapixels for the camera main photo and precisely 5 megapixels for the second camera responsible for the depth information of the sensor.
Galaxy M31 phone
This phone has a Snapdragon 665 processor, 6GB of RAM, as well as three cameras in the system, 48 megapixels for the main camera and 12 megapixels with precision for the second wide-angle camera and 5 megapixels for the third camera responsible for the depth information of the sensor.
Galaxy M41
This phone includes an Exynos 9630 processor, 6 GB of RAM, as well as three 64 megapixel rear cameras for the main camera and 12 megapixels for the second wide angle camera and a 5 megapixel camera for the third camera responsible for detecting the information depth.
This article "Samsung is working on new Galaxy M series phones", adapted from the site (Akhbar al-Youm), and does not reflect in any way the site's policy or point of view, but the responsibility of the news or its accuracy is based on the source of the original news, which corresponds to the news of the day.
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