Last week, Xiaomi announced that it would be the first smartphone maker to offer a smartphone with a 108-megapixel camera. Samsung has officially unveiled today the sensor that will be used on this phone. This new sensor, called 108MP ISOCELL Bright HMX, is designed for smartphones and has a resolution of 108 megapixels and a size of 1 / 1.33, which makes it 125% larger than the current Samsung 48MP sensor ISOCELL Bright GM1, with a resolution of 48 megapixels, allowing it to maintain the same size pixels of 0.8μm per pixel.
In a press release, Samsung said that with more than a million effective pixels, this sensor will be able to produce exceptional images even under difficult lighting conditions. This sensor uses Tetracell technology, which means that it can capture 27 megapixels by combining four small pixels to form a large pixel of a size of 1.6 μm.
It also comes with Smart-ISO, a mechanism that determines the level of the amplifier according to the lighting and switching to a low ISO so "to improve the saturation in pixels and to produce vivid images. We do not know if this differs from other technologies used in other sensors, but we think we will know when this sensor will be used in a physical phone.
The Samsung 108MP ISOCELL Bright HMX sensor also supports 6K video recording at 30 frames per second, which is also good news for videographers. Overall, this new sensor is expected to enter the mass production phase at the end of August. We can therefore expect the arrival of the phone Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 with this sensor, which should intervene in October.
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