Samsung's latest patent for a premium double phone


The Korean giant has patented a new foldable phone model, dubbed "Z-fold" and featuring a folded dual screen.

Samsung's attempts to create a new vision for folding phones are continuing, and in the latest leaks from LetsGoDigital, a new model of Samsung's double-shell phone has recently been unveiled in a new patent.

The design was patented by Samsung at the end of last year and was recently detected in leaks by the Intellectual Property Office in Korea.

Leaks also indicated that the phone has a large flexible and foldable screen, with a very fine distinctive frame design and that it is planned to open the left side and the right side of the design Z screen.

LetsGoDigital's leaks have also confirmed that the patent does not reveal any details about the buttons of the phone's design, nor any details about the camera, but these details will often be revealed if the patent goes to the stage of implementation. field work.



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