The sand dunes covered a large portion of the road connecting the provinces of Al-Layth and Aamad, which runs through the central triangle of Marj, in the southwestern part of the province. Idm, In the midst of the negligence of a large number of officials, and this is a danger to the inevitable night travelers.
A number of Saliky surprised by the negligence of the responsible authority and the indifference to which can cause road accidents and lack of control of the road; Dusty winds to dust and dust.
A student went through
Residents of both provinces issued a wide warning message warning rebellious travelers of sand dunes, in the absence of competent authorities to rescue them . , Sand dunes centered between the Merj Center of Aad Province and the Salaq Center of Al-Lyth Governorate
Photos .. Sand dunes blurs the characteristics of the road, "Leith – Edm"
The dunes of sand covered a large portion of the road connecting the districts of Al-Layth and Aamad, which runs through the central Marj triangle, southwest of Aad governorate, with great neglect of authorities. A number of road Salki was very surprised by the negligence of the responsible authority and the indifference to which can cause dune traffic accidents and lack of control of the road, given the region of this dusty dust. The road officers demanded that the responsible parties stand on the road and speed up the damage
Residents of the two governorates issued a warning message warning the followers of the dune road of sand, in the absence of competent authorities to remove the damage.
In the midst of the warnings of his formation an inevitable danger for his visitors at night
The sand dunes covered a large part of the road connecting the two provinces Al-Layth and Assam, which crosses the triangle of the Center of Marj , southwest of the governorate of Aadm, amid a great negligence on the part of the authorities
A number of Salikis expressed their great surprise at the negligence of the responsible authority and their indifference to what can be caused by sand dunes from traffic accidents and the lack of surveillance of the road.
Traffic officials called on authorities to stand on the road and speed up the damage, before causing traffic accidents.
Residents of the two governorates issued a warning message The competent authorities to remove their damage, Where the sand dunes have centered between the center Merj of Edam province and the center Salaq of the governorate of Al-Lyth
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