Sandy reveals secrets and suggestions to controversial song to Al


Since its inception, singer Sandy has a habit of stirring up controversy, seeking new things and rebelling against all that is traditional through her songs, lyrics, melodies, as well as her statements and appearances. Sandy recently featured a controversial song, “How are you today” and in an interview with “Al” Sandy spoke about the details of the song and his choice of filming method in animated form , how she manages her life, and why she prefers not to sing full albums, and revealed the secret of her exclusion from films and the star who wishes to appear before him artistically.

The song “How Do You” today is one of the songs that sparked controversy because of its lyrics, so how did you choose it?

The reason I chose this song is because it is completely different from what was mentioned before. Indeed, I felt that her words would cause an argument because she was unfamiliar, so I decided to sing it. traditional and always prefer diversification, not because I am a singer only because I am a normal person, I am bored all the time and I like the development and diversification in my work and my son A constant obsession with presenting different characters through my songs, like the audience gets bored so quickly, so there must be some new surprises for them, and I like that people feel like I’m a new character with every song.

How did you find the reactions to the song “Today’s Mask”?

The reactions were very positive and I was happy with the warmth of the people and their excellent welcome, and I felt it because I came back after an absence of some time, because I was away for a while, and the success of the new song made me feel like i was starting with the first and presenting a song for the first time, and my truth with every new work i feel is my first time

Despite your artistic presence for years, what is one thing that you find that has not changed in your personality?

I still feel the same anxiety and worry as if I was a first time singer and newbie and very scared of reactions and anxiously awaiting people’s reaction and I remain worried like I hadn’t done anything before .

You said before you got lucky, what do you mean by that phrase?

Indeed, I feel that I am lucky because all the steps I planned have achieved the same success that I expected and more, and when I am away and then come back I feel the public’s desire for me and if I say that I am lucky then I am really lucky with my audience who appreciate the state of activity in my choices and are happy with the renewal that I hold on from time to time and accept What I do m ‘encourage and support me.

The commercial for the song “How to” today came as a surprise to everyone. Tell us about the details?

In fact, I thought about not doing a big publicity, and I thought about doing some simple, different and innovative propaganda that no one had done before, because I was thinking about the idea of ​​deleting my photos so that the audience could ask about the reason, and that method worked and people asked about the reason for the disappearance, so the song came out and it was successful, thank goodness. So I’m happy to watch it on YouTube.

How do you rate your success through audience interaction on social media?

Social networking sites and audience interaction tell a lot to the artist, and I personally like to see my success through it sometimes because the views are very real and huge, and I wanted to know my worth for the audience, and I knew it and I touched it. from the large number of views, which happened without any fraud, so I didn’t need to buy More Views, even though I was happy with the videos the audience made and sent to me.

The clip came in the form of an animation, so why did you come up with this idea?

I’m a quick bored person and didn’t want to present a traditional music video and appear in it the normal way, so I thought about presenting an animation and the idea came from the cover of the song and I supported the idea because I didn’t like the idea of ​​filming a clip this time around, and I implemented the idea of ​​the cartoons through a specialist illustrator that I researched on Instagram , I contacted him and drew him all the ideas and I was with him step by step, so this is my idea and I have been thinking about it since 2014.

Is it true that you no longer prefer to submit full albums?

Yes, that’s true, because now I don’t like the idea of ​​putting together a full album, because my last album was the victim of injustice due to the influence of Corona, and I didn’t was able to help the album and advertise because of the ban and shutdown and people’s anxiety despite the quality of the album and people’s love for it and I spent long months in s ‘prepare for it, but it is very unfair due to the circumstances in which it happened, unfortunately when life started to gradually return, that was the time that had passed and had passed five months, so it was not feasible for me to market it or advertise it, and the truth is I was very disappointed with everything that happened to this album, so I preferred to rest and relax. walked away for a while and decided to focus on releasing a song every now and then.

You have acting experience, so why didn’t you continue and who would you prefer to work with?

I really enjoy acting and I have terrible acting energy, but I prefer the lack of appearance or to appear in influential and strong work, and quite frankly in the field of acting in particular, specific departments are dealt with and most directors prefer to cooperate with a certain group of people who feel comfortable working with them, and many do not prefer to look for new talent, and I don’t know the reason for my exclusion from the acting, although I have previous experience, and I was offered an acting job recently, but I turned it down because I didn’t trust its success not to be counted on me . I hope to write a film script for him and participate with him even though I am not the heroine of the work, and the actors that I love, Akram Hosni, I have a good idea for a film for him.

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