Saudi Arabia expects an increase in global oil demand thanks to China's appetite


Saudi Arabia expects an increase in global oil demand thanks to China's appetite



"China's demand for oil is recorded and we plan to break the 11 million barrels a day mark this year," said Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih.

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Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih

The minister said Riyadh would wait until the oil market was set in June, adding, "We are doing it right."

Al-Falih said on Saturday that global oil demand is expected to rise by 1.5 million barrels a day this year, noting that China and the United States will lead the world's strong demand for oil this year, but that It would be premature to change the OPEC production policy during the meeting. Next to the organization in April, according to the agency "Reuters".

"Saudi oil production in April will be higher than in March".

Source: Reuters

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