Saudi Arabia stops the preacher


Activists said on Thursday that the Saudi authorities arrested well-known Islamic preacher Sheikh Safar al-Hawali and three of his sons.

Al-Hawali is one of the leading representatives of the Sahwa, the Salafist social movement that emerged in the 1980s.

London-based Human Rights Watch said the Sheikh and his sons Abdul Rahman, Abdullah and Ibrahim were arrested after publishing a book criticizing the Saudi regime. Activists pointed out that the book mentioned was "Muslims and Western Civilization."

Yahya Asiri, a Reuters employee, reported that the arrests took place on Wednesday.

The "payment" saw their arrest as "

Saudi Arabia arrested the preacher Salman al-Awda, who is considered one of the most important faces of the" Awakening "movement

Sheikh al-Hawali entered the prison in prison.In the early 1990s, in 1993, he was prevented from speaking publicly and was imprisoned in 1994 for attempting to invite the prisoner. public opinion to disobedience,

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been leading social change in the kingdom for several months, claiming that his goal is to return Saudi Arabia to moderate Islam after decades

Saudi Arabia allows women to drive and reopen their rooms, but these reforms coincided with a campaign of arrests of human rights, religious and human rights activists. of writers.

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