Saudi health medical advice for citizens and pilgrims


The Ministry of Health continued to provide medical advice to pilgrims to maintain their health and safety while on pilgrimage.

Important tips

The Health Information and Awareness Center of the Ministry of Health provided many Rahman guests with advice, including taking care not to harass others during tawaaf, and fighting when stoning is thrown at them. now the cleanliness of the body as it is an important element for the prevention of diseases, and avoid tawaaf and persistence in case of strong heat Solar umbrellas, as well as the use of masks for the nose and mouth to avoid to spread diseases during the pilgrimage season.

He recommended you not to eat food exposed or exposed to flies, to use as much as possible packaged or preserved food, to know the expiry date, to eat fruits and vegetables, cooked food, beneficial to the body and irritating to the intestines, as well as the name and nationality of the pilgrim. Address, state of health, name of the campaign to which it belongs, use of tissues during sneezing or colds, or small towel.

Healthy steps are needed

Medical advice included reducing muscular effort, such as walking the markets on hot days, keeping the place where the pilgrim is present, and taking a lot of rest before and after each pilgrimage ritual, in order to revitalize the body and to help do the rest. Pilgrimage and do not sit next to people with infectious diseases such as colds or the like, and do not slaughter guidelines in unprepared places, preferably take a small suitcase containing the need for medication for treatment Urgent diseases and carry a notebook indicating hospital numbers and emergency numbers such as the Civil Defense Saudi Red Crescent Society, and others to seek help during the need, and consult the nearest health center in case of feeling of health problems.

She called on health care to be careful when shaving the head after throwing the Aqaba carbuncle on the Eid, and prefers to wear her own tools used during shaving to ensure a safe and clean shave, and s & # 039; 39; it is not possible to have special tools, it should ensure before the start of shaving that the razor changes with new foam and is sterilized Well in front of him, the pilgrim must do be careful not to put your feet on the ground in shaving places.

One of the tips that the pilgrim should adhere to in Holy Saints or next to the sacred House of Allah is to refrain from smoking because its danger is doubled when crowded. pilgrims in places where converge places of residence and suffocations, in addition to what can be caused by the ignition of cigarettes from fire Say.

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