Saudi Minister of the Interior: Terrorism and extremism pose a direct threat to the world


Saudi Interior Minister: On Monday, 4 March, terrorism and extremism pose a direct threat to the world Source: Arab News – Middle East

Saudi Minister of the Interior: Terrorism and extremism pose a direct threat to the world

Tunisia hosts meetings of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior sponsored by Sibsi

Monday 27 Jumada II 1440 H – 04 March 2019 Publication number [ 14706]

Arab ministers of the interior will meet in Tunis (SPA)

Tunisia: "Middle East"

Saudi Interior Minister Abdul Aziz Bin Saud Bin Nayef stressed that terrorism and extremism posed a direct threat to the entire world. "We must strive tirelessly to intensify efforts and coordinate the firm and effective response to these threats, Continue work on the drying up of sources of financing of terrorism and extremism, including including the fight against money laundering crimes ".
The Saudi Interior Minister made the remarks at the first session of the 36th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior, organized by the Tunisian capital, under the patronage of Tunisian President Béji Kaid Sibsi. .
The issues of illegal migration, organized crime, border security, drug control, human rights and cybersecurity, as well as how to manage them, remain the Council's priorities.
"Today, we live in conditions and significant changes in our Arab region, foreign interference, especially Iran's intervention, is the main threat to our countries and societies, with the attempts constant destabilization and security of our countries and division of our peoples ". Although your board understands the seriousness of the situation and works hard to deal with these threats and threats. "
He stressed that the joint meeting with the Council of Justice Ministers "is taking place today" and demonstrates the willingness of all to face risks and challenges by activating security and judicial agreements and by activating the strategies, conventions and resolutions relating to the fight against terrorism published by the joint Arab labor institutions, the Arab University.
Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Saud Bin Nayef emphasized that the development of the technical capacities of the Ministries of the Interior and their briefing on modern technologies was "a very important requirement in view of the transformations of our countries and societies and made security agencies consistent in the fight against crimes of all kinds at the highest levels. "
He pointed out that the Saudi Interior Ministry "has shared this reality and has developed rapidly to develop its technical and security capabilities. It has come a long way, has had a positive impact on all sectors and is still in continuous development.
The Tunisian Minister of the Interior, Hisham Al-Furati, delivered a speech in which he stressed that the Arab world is currently facing major security problems, It is imperative that all work together to unify the visions , in order to develop the means and mechanisms, so that the work is at the level of the aspirations of the Arab peoples, in order to overcome the challenges facing the region, especially with regard to the fight against terrorism and the formation of 39, terrorist activities. Funds and the protection of common borders and the exchange of information and experiences.
Mohammed Ali Koman, Secretary-General of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior, said in his speech that Council meetings were under way. The Arab country faces various challenges that darken the climate of security and security. stability and slow down development and prosperity. Drug trafficking, illegal immigration and various smuggling operations.
He pointed out in this regard that these challenges contribute to the penetration of certain regional powers that do not miss any opportunity to expose the Arab nation to risk and provoke sectarian and sectarian conflicts and a fragmentation of unity between peoples of a nation.
Before the closed session, the words of the Arab Interior Ministers were heard. The meeting was attended by the official delegation accompanying the Saudi Minister of Internal Security, senior security delegations, as well as representatives of the League of Arab States, the Arab Maghreb Union, the Cooperation Council of Gulf, the Arab Red Crescent Organization, the Red Cross, Interpol, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, project on countering terrorism in the Middle East and in North Africa, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences and Arab Police Sports Federation.

Saudi Arabia Tunisia Saudi Arabia

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