Saudi oil minister joins the richest Indian family


Saudi oil minister joins the richest Indian family


Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih

Saudi Oil Minister Khalid Al-Faleh has joined the family of Mukesh Ambani, one of the richest tycoons in the oil and communications industry, to celebrate the marriage of his son Akash with Shluka Mehta.

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Wedding Akash Ambani and Shluka Mehta

"I was delighted to meet today Mr. Mukesh Ambani, President of RelianceIndustries, where we discussed opportunities for joint investments and cooperation in petrochemical, refining and refining projects. communication in Saudi Arabia and India, "said Al Faleh,.

International dignitaries, including CEOs of major corporations such as Bank of America, Google and others, attended the wedding.

And the bride Shluka Mehta, daughter of Russel Mehta, a wealthy jeweler and director of the Rosie Blue family.

Ambani, whose business empire includes investments in the oil, gas, telecommunications and retail sectors, is the richest man in Asia and ranks 13th in the world. The richest country in the world, published by Forbes magazine, with a fortune of about 50 billion dollars.

Source: RT

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