Scientific warning .. Do not approach the phone while eating

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The researchers who participated in the study found that people who use their phones at the same time Eat, Consume 15% more calories than other people.

According to the study, looking at the smartphone screen would make a person unaware of the amount of food that she normally ate.

He said Marcio GilbertoThe lead author of the study, conducted in coordination with the Federal University of Brazil and a medical center in the Netherlands, revealed that the use of smartphones during meals could consume more calories and fat.

He added: "Tablets have becomesmartphones A major source of "The Dispersion" Mind during the meal. Emphasizing that even children are affected by this behavior.


The researchers, who participated in the study, found that people who use their phones at the same time consume 15% more calories than others.

According to the study, looking at the smartphone screen would make a person unaware of the amount of food that she normally ate.

The use of smart phones, while eating meals, leads to increased consumption of calories and fat, said Marcio Gelberto, lead author of the study conducted in coordination with the Federal University of Brazil and a medical center in the country. -Low.

"Tablets and smartphones have become a major source of distraction during the meal," he said, noting that even children were affected by this behavior.

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