Scientists determine the farthest space object in our solar system


Distances of the solar system showing the detected object Farfarout (Twitter)

Astronomers from the American “University of Hawaii” have identified the most distant space object found in our solar system, which has been given the nickname Farfarout, and which is classified as similar to a planet.

The object is located 12.4 billion miles from the sun, 93 million miles from earth, and it has moved closer to the sun and earth on its orbital path over a period of 1,000 years.

Astronomers previously thought Pluto was the farthest object orbiting the sun, some 3.7 billion kilometers away, but with advancements in technology, scientists have deepened their view of space.

“The orbital dynamics of the planet can help us understand how Neptune formed and evolved,” said researcher David Tholin, University of Hawaii, “because Farfarout was likely cast into the outer solar system. , by approaching Neptune in the distant past, and possibly to interact with Neptune again, as its orbits continue to intersect.

The orbital time of the discovered planet has reached about a thousand years, which means that researchers have to study it for years to determine its trajectory, and it will remain under observation, and in the future the planet will receive another official name. .


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