Washington Agencies
Scientists at the University of Salford have reached what is thought to be causing all cancers.
According to the newspaper "Daily Mail", the results of a British laboratory showed the cell responsible for cancer and described their finding as "similar to looking for a needle in a haystack".
The researchers hope to rewrite the medical history of cancer growth and believe that it could be a blow to current cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy.
Scientists, led by Salford University professor Michael Lisanti, conducted their tests on two breast cancer samples and used a bright pigment to isolate the most active cells extracted from the samples.
Scientists have noted that a very small fraction of cells, called "active cancer stem cells", have a larger map than their counterparts and have the ability to create tumors, spread and reproduce very quickly.
It is not yet known how dishonest cells break off from normal cells, but are linked to aging and bring cells closer to death.
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