Scientists reveal two Earth-like planets


Astronomers have announced the discovery of two planets close to the solar system and similar to the planet, which could be inhabited by organisms, according to "the Russian News Agency".
Astronomers published the results of their research in Astrophysical Journal Letters and counted one of the other stars in the system containing two Earth-like planets, but relatively far from the Earth, located 13 light-years from Earth .
The mass of each planet is equal to that of the Earth, the length of the year on the planet is equal to 4.9 terrestrial days and the year of the planet to 11.4 terrestrial days.
The scientists also noted that they would not be able to determine the composition of the atmosphere of the planets, but they were certain that there was water in them.
This comes at a time when UCLA scientists say "they recorded a mysterious and unprecedented flash of radiation from the black hole in the middle of our galaxy".
Scientists have revealed that the mass of the Sagittarius A * massive black hole is about four million times greater than that of the sun, "launched a radiation flash in May is bigger than anything we've ever seen."
The sudden brilliance of brightness made the black hole 75 times brighter than normal before returning to normal.

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