Secretary of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior: the Arab world faces challenges that darken security and stability



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Sunday, March 3, 2019 – 5:18 pm
| Last update:
Sunday, March 3, 2019 – 5:18 pm

Dr. Mohammed bin Ali Koman, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the Arab Countries, stressed that the Arab world was facing various challenges that darkened the climate of security and stability and blocked the paths of development and of prosperity.

This occurred during his speech on the occasion of the opening of the 36th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior, held in Tunis, which opened Sunday and continues throughout the day.

Dr. Koman said these challenges include those related to organized crime and the resulting drug trafficking, illegal immigration and various smuggling operations that drain countries' economies and endanger public health. An opportunity to expose the Arab nation to danger and to stir up sectarian conflicts and fragmentation among sects among the sons of a nation.

He added that the Council of Arab Interior Ministers had achieved results in the face of terrorism, including the return of terrorist fighters from conflict zones and hotbeds of tension after the terrible defeats of terrorist organizations thanks to the efforts of the countries. and their cooperation with the international community. But also the means of treating the arrested persons and the methods of rehabilitation.

The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the Arab States said that the Council had been working in recent years to combat this phenomenon through proactive measures, including the creation of a database on state-sponsored terrorist fighters. members until they contain important data on these fighters, to feed this base with all available information.

He stressed that after the approval by the Council of a mechanism to prevent combatants from entering conflict areas and hotbeds of tension, Arab countries have benefited from this reduction and that A mechanism is being developed to deal with people returning to areas of conflict and tension. Such as the meeting of the Special Commission on Emerging Crimes and the Annual Conference of Counter Terrorism Officials, as well as border security to prevent the infiltration of fighters and the means to exchange information on returnees were the subject of several workshops organized by the Secretariat last year, in cooperation with the counter-terrorism project in the Middle East and North Africa, the European Police Service, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency.

The Secretary General of the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior announced that a major conference on the phenomenon of returning fighters was being prepared, bringing together experts from the Arab world and the European Union, in accordance with Council's directives to strengthen cooperation with their regional and international counterparts.

Dr. Mohammed bin Ali Koman stressed that the Cybersecurity Unit to be set up within the Arab Bureau to Combat Extremism and Terrorism will be an important factor in the fight against terrorism and that It will be necessary to monitor the rhetoric of extremism on the Internet and use this network as a means of mobilization, communication and funding.

Despite the gravity of terrorism and the scale of the tragedies that result, the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the Arab countries has always had to be confronted – like all types of crimes – with the respect of human rights. Man and dignity, which has earned him much attention has led to the organization of an annual conference of human rights officers. 39, a man from the Arab Ministries of the Interior and a periodic conference bringing these officials together to the national human rights committees of the Arab countries.

In this context, a draft Arab strategy for the promotion of human rights in security work is being finalized, which is the result of the valuable efforts already made by the Council and a framework outlining the prospects for Arab cooperation in this area.

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