"Security measures" delay NASA's commercial flights to space


Plans to send NASA's first astronauts from the United States to the International Space Station would appear to be delayed due to incomplete safety procedures and gaps in the crew preparation program , according to a federal report. SpaceX and Boeing, as part of the crew program to send American astronauts soon, probably in 2019 using the spaceship Dragon and Starliner. But the report, published by the Office of Government Accountability, said yesterday that things could delay the launch of the first mission inhabited from US territory by a private company, which prevented US pioneers from parking for nine month.
Boeing and SpaceX made progress in the development of crew transportation systems, but both companies delayed certification early in 2019. Boeing said it was targeting pilot flights this year.
A $ 2.6 Billion Contract and Boeing Won a $ 4.2 Billion Contract for the Construction of Crew Transport Systems Commercial Crew Program for Private Sector Use in the missions of the International Space Station

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