See .. Read the first scenes of the Quran improve the situation of the child victim of the server


The burial of the child Mughdur "Nawal al-Qarni" in the tomb of Umm al-Hamam in Riyadh

"Ali bin Said Al-Qarni, Abdullah Al-Qarni said that his nephew managed to sit on the white bed and began reading the Holy Quran praying on the body of his sister, the child Nawal, killed by an Ethiopian maid at the King Khalid Mosque in Umm Al-Hamam, Riyadh.

In details, Abdullah bin Ali al-Qarni said " preceded ": thanks to God After the improvement of the health status of" Ali "began to recite the Quran and began to ask the question:" After the improvement of the & Après Après::::::::? Health status of "Ali" "I asked Almighty God to gather me to Paradise as he brought me with my sister into this world."

And concluded: Yesterday began to receive delegations The mourners in the death of "Nawal" in the district of Bagazah Balqarn province.

A maid was killed The girl was killed in the city of Laban in the city of Riyadh and revealed the details of the child of the victim, the citizen "Abdullah Ben Ali al-Qarni" of the people of the Balqarn province, where he told the "preceded": The Ethiopian maid was working with the children of Jeddah "Nawal" and "Ali" to their mother in the province of Bisha and was sent to the mother of the children


In the new developments of the state of health of the child, Ali bin Said Al-Qarni told his uncle "Abdullah al-Qarni" that his nephew managed to sit on the white bed and pray on the body of his sister The child "Nawal" was killed by an Ethiopian maid to King Khalid's mosque in Umm Al-Hamam in Riyadh and buried in Umm Al-Hamam cemetery yesterday. In the details, Abdullah bin Ali al-Qarni told the "preceded": thanks to God and the end and follow-up of the medical device at King Khalid University Hospital improved the health of my nephew after suffering severe bleeding following the 14 blows received from the Ethiopian maid

After improving the health status of "Ali" began to recite the Quran and began to ask urgent questions about his sister , "Nawal" and announced to him today the death of his sister.

And concluded: Yesterday began to receive delegations

A maid killed 12-year-old Nawal al-Qarni and stabbed her 14-year-old brother Ali on Tuesday morning.

The incident shook Saudi society where he was located in Laban district in Riyadh city and revealed the details of the child Mughdurah child "Abdullah ben Ali Al -Qarni "of the inhabitants of the province of Balqarn. In Bisha Province, the maid was sent to the mother of children residing in the city of Riyadh to be deported to Ethiopia because of the violation

The child has was buried in the tomb of Umm al-Hamam in Riyadh

in the new developments in the state of health of the child, "Ali bin Said al-Qarni"

07 July 2018 – 23 Shawwal 1439

confirmed to his father Abdullah Al-Qarni that his nephew had managed to sit on the white bed and read the Quran while praying for the body of his sister, the child Nawal , killed by an Ethiopian maid at King Khalid Mosque in Umm Al-Hamam, Riyadh. The bathroom yesterday.

In details, Abdullah bin Ali al-Qarni said "preceded": thanks to God and the end and monitoring of the medical device Pms The University King Khalid improved the health of my nephew after suffering severe bleeding following the 14 stitches of the Ethiopian maid.

He added: After the improvement in health, Ali began to read the Quran and began to ask his sister. "We informed her today of her sister's death, stressing that" Ali "received the news with sadness, pain, and patience, saying," I ask Almighty God to gather me in Paradise. " by bringing my sister into this world. "

" In the district of Albqaza in the province of Balqarn.

A maid had killed the girl, "Nawal al-Qarni" 12 years old and the injury of her brother, "Ali" 14 years old with a knife 14 in the morning of last Tuesday.

The incident shook the Saudi community where it took place in Laban district in Riyadh and revealed the details of the child of the daughter "Abdullah bin Ali al-Qarni" The Ethiopian woman worked with the children of Jeddah "Nawal" and "Ali" with their mother in the province of Bisha and was sent to the mother of the children who lived in the city of Riyadh to be deported to Ethiopia because of the end of her contract . fbAsyncInit = function () {
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