"I was very happy to see Mohamed Salah, but I felt very happy," Luis Fowler, a Liverpool fan, said Tuesday. With an intense pain on my nose, my smile on a picture was sad. "
"In the end, it was worth it," Fowler said.
The admirer of Liverpool, when he saw Mohamed Salah leave the training, came up against a pole of enthusiasm:
"I ran fast with my brother, and because of the enthusiasm, I did not pay attention to what was in front of me, because I was looking to the left, where was the car from Mohammed Salah, to strike the column. "
He added: I think Salah was worried for me, so he stopped his car to go to our street, to make sure everything was fine, then he took pictures with each other. It was a wonderful time, but it was also bad because of my nose.
Asked about the incident and the concern of Mohammed Salah, Fowler replied, "I think it's a very beautiful act of Salah, that I love so much because it's is a wonderful person. "
Do you see … what Fowler said about his injury because of #Mohammed Salahhttps://t.co/sGRm48tUH4#Always_Reader statement pic.twitter.com/JegWFkn4g7
– Mathematical declaration (@matrix) August 12, 2019
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