Serious warning .. "Wattsab" raises the expected update


The launch of the popular IM application, Watsab, offers a new update that gives users important warnings and alerts as long as they require them.

The MS PowerUser technical site explains that Watsab will allow its new update by sending Warnings and Warnings If a user receives or opens a suspicious link, it can act as an open gateway to any dangerous virus which could infect his personal data.

Watsab seeks to control the spread of new counterfeits or spam via its instant messaging platform.

An important message will appear for all users when they receive "Unknown" links, or reported by other users as suspicious or unwanted.

This new technique is still "on trial", Watsab introduced it in the new beta beta; Supported by all users in the official version of the application.

Al-Khobar (Arab Yemen: Warning of the dangerous Watsab).

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