Shaaban: Viva's claim against Arabsat has no legal value


Between the Egyptian "economic lawyer" Mohammed Atallah Shaaban, holder of a doctorate in international public law, and international relations as the declaration of the International Football Federation "Viva" against the Arab Organization for Satellite Telecommunications "Arabsat" has no legal value, based on mere allegations and without any concrete and concrete evidence that can be discussed and discussed. Investigations by independent experts revealed dramatic details of the claims of the International Federation and the national channel "BN Sport" on the frequencies used by Cuba's "Bi-Que" channel network, where it stated " ArabSat "Independent satellite communications specialists, with the aim of identifying the alleged use of the entity called" UP-QQ "for frequencies within the network in order to broadcast a pirated broadcast. The statement added that "the investigations have proved that the Arabsat frequencies are not currently used, and have not been used in the past, by this entity in the broadcast of the 2018 World Cup". The Egyptian lawyer praised the proceedings of the Arab organization "Arabsat" and the composition of the investigation team and conducted thorough investigations without considering the high financial cost. "These investigations have revealed the falsity of the allegations and the need to conduct investigations.The findings have a distinct legal step and a patent guide." Dr. Sha & # 39; ban pointed out that "Arabsat" has the right to investigate. require an official apology to the International Federation "Viva". "These excuses are broadcast by various media and even by a press conference to show the truth of the case while retaining the right Arabsat" damage caused by these false accusations. "Dr. Shaban also revealed that ArabSat also has the right to ask the International Federation (FIFA) to seek an alternative mechanism to monopolize the broadcast of football matches in international events. "One of the main goals of the International Federation is to broadcast the game. Monopoly politics when watching football games. "

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