Shams Al-Baroudi returns to center stage after 38-year absence


Egyptian artist Omar Youssef, son of artist Hassan Youssef, has revealed the return of his mother, artist Shams Al-Baroudi, to center stage after retiring from acting for a period of 38 years.

Omar Hassan Youssef told Cairo 24 that he is currently preparing to implement a new documentary program on the life story of his father, artist Hassan Youssef, and his mother, Shams al-Baroudi, to record the film Shams al-Baroudi’s return in the spotlight. after many years of absence.

Hassan Youssef’s son also indicated that the film is still in the writing and idea stage, and has yet to be purchased by production companies, either in Egypt or in abroad.

Many rumors have circulated in recent years about Shams Al-Baroudi’s return to acting, which has been completely denied by the artist, as she confirmed at the time that she would no longer be returning to art.

She also indicated that only her son, Omar, works in art, completing his parents’ career, and is keen to follow works of art as long as her husband, artist Hassan Youssef, works in art.

Shams Al-Baroudi has also said in previous press releases that she does not accept anyone who embodies her personality, in addition to recommending to her children that if a person does this, they should be prosecuted.

She explained that she agreed to this on the condition that her autobiography be presented, as well as images of her life and family, such as documentaries only, noting that if she agreed to embody her autobiography, her daughter could embody this role.

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