"Small device" saves children with diabetes insulin complications


It is implanted and detects glucose levels

The use of insulin in children with diabetes can lead to serious long-term complications. Although studies have found a solution to this problem, it is a small, implantable device that detects glucose levels.

The siteMedicalXpress"Insulin is generally the first choice in children with this disease because their immune system attacks the pancreas and small islands, microscopic groups of cells that smell of sugar in the blood and produce insulin.

But at the same time, he explained that the injection of insulin, pens and pumps could not manage the blood sugar level, which led to long-term complications..

Meanwhile, Academician Clerchus Papas, Professor of Surgery and Medical Imaging at the University of Arizona's School of Medicine, in collaboration with other scientists from the University of Arizona country, has found a solution to develop a small implantable device that detects glucose levels and releases insulin when needed. .

This device protects the insulin-producing cells from the attacks of the immune system in which the donor cells are placed, protecting the cells from attack.

The implant sites are located under the skin of the arm or back, and the oxygen generator, which feeds the wireless cells or removal of the body, can be recharged with the help of the implant. a technique called transdermal energy transfer..

"It's like a tea bag, the leaves are inside but the insulin is coming out," Papas said..

Papas continues to test the device for clinical trials on humans, in collaboration with Tom Ludvarez of the St. Vincent Institute and Greg Corbutman of the University of Alberta , with a grant of $ 1.2 million for two years.

If the tests are successful, clinical trials of the device can be performed in the next three years..

Diabetes prevalence rates are increasing worldwide and studies suggest that children are at increased risk of contracting the disease.

Over time, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves, which can lead to chronic problems and premature death..

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