Smartphones should be prohibited in rooms from 22 hours.


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study suggests that social media should not directly harm teens, but can also reduce the time spent on activities that are beneficial to health, such as sleep and exercise.

Parents should ban the use of smartphones in rooms starting at 10pm and encourage teens to exercise, the BBC said, citing British researchers involved in the study.

The study found that girls are more likely to be harassed on social networking sites, which can expose them to psychological pressures. She also pointed out that psychological pressure on boys due to navigation on these sites required more research.

Nine out of 10 teens use social media, which raises concerns about the health and mental health of young people.

Until now, scientists have provided conflicting evidence on site damage due to lack of data spanning long periods.

The study's researchers, published in The Lancet and specializing in the health of children and adolescents, interviewed 12,000 adolescents in English schools for three years, a research sample aged 13 to 16 years.

She revealed that boys and girls who use social networking sites more than three times a day may mentally weaken themselves and suffer increased psychological pressure. The girls who participated in the surveys in this study reported a decrease in their feelings of happiness and increased anxiety in subsequent years. But the boys did not talk about it.

The researchers said that there was scientific evidence that there was a close connection between the use of social media sites and the level of health and mental health.

For girls, however, the negative effects of site use were associated with sleep disturbances and electronic harassment. At the bottom of the list of reasons for not doing sports, these factors had less influence on boys.

The research team prepared for this study highlighted the differences between the use of girls and boys on social networking sites, but additional research is needed. She also explained that further work was needed to uncover the factors that control boys' exposure to psychological pressure from social networking sites.

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