Smoking cannabis "even once" robs you of the "pleasure" expected at puberty



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Many teens are faced with the idea of ​​trying anything, even if they smoke a "cannabis" or "marijuana", but do not realize how dangerous it is.

A new study, published in the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, warns that smoking once in adolescence can deprive a person of the "pleasure" expected by many young people in adulthood .

The study suggests that smoking cannabis once in adolescence alters the structure of their brains.

Scientists at the University of Swinburne have discovered that smoking cannabis once or twice for 14 years is a gray matter that affects brain regions, associated with emotions, feelings of "pleasure or orgasm" "and in memory.

The researchers pointed out that those who smoked cannabis with more than two cigars, during this age, destroyed the links and nerve cells of these regions, which deprived them of many older people and had much worse levels of intelligence than their counterparts.

The study looked at about 46 adolescents aged 14 in Ireland, England, France and Germany, who could have used cannabis once or twice.

The study compared the size of gray matter in the brain, in those who used cannabis and in those who did not use it at all.

"We found that those who used cannabis had a greater amount of gray matter covering parts of the brain responsible for emotion, pleasure, ecstasy and memory formation."

"We also noticed that there is gray matter in the regions, which we call dopamine, which is primarily responsible for euphoria."

"Exposure to cannabis at this age causes the so-called pruning disturbance, because if the gray matter is less dense, these nerve links are constantly pruned, and not cut due to the proliferation of the gray matter causing disruption or delayed work. "

The study controls many variables in order to exclude them completely, such as social status, economic status, sex, alcohol consumption, nicotine consumption, etc.

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