Smoking does not increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease!


Elaph: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Smoking can cause death, but not Alzheimer's disease, researchers said Monday. This discovery comes after research has shown that smoking increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and blindness.
However, according to researchers at the Sanders Brown Aging Center of the University of Kentucky, smoking is by no means associated with an increased risk of dementia or dementia.

"We would like to make it clear at the outset that we are not promoting smoking," said Dr. Eren Ebner, co-author of the new study, "We say that smoking does not seem to cause dementia in these people."

"These findings are also corroborated by our analysis of the causes of death, which showed that smokers tend to die for reasons of death that are not associated with dementia," said Dr. Erin, adding that the finding that smoking did not increase the risk of dementia, previous research ".

Although the main cause of Alzheimer's disease is unclear, doctors have also recommended to stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, consume healthy foods and to do so. exercise to reduce or delay the risk of dementia.

Elaph prepared the article by acting for the British Daily Mail, the original link below

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