Solutions to most problems .. The benefits of banana for men and women are incredible


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Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and, in terms of commercial value, it ranks fourth among other food crops in the world, making it very popular and consumed and presented in various forms and varieties.

Because of the high nutritional value of bananas and their availability throughout the year, as well as the ease of storage and transportation, they are a staple in a number of countries around the world.

The benefits of bananas vary greatly with regard to diet, weight loss, skin care and beauty.
The benefits of banana can be achieved whether you eat banana on your stomach or before sleep: eating banana before bedtime stimulates the secretion of serotonin by the body, which helps to sleep quickly.
Bananas before bedtime can feel full without giving a high caloric intake because they do not cause obesity, contrary to rumors.
Eating bananas before bed provides the body with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant.

Benefits of banana for heart health

Electrolytes are essential for cardiac function, and the resulting imbalances produce arrhythmia and other cardiac complications, and potassium is the most important factor for stabilizing cardiac functions.
There are many potassium ion channels around the heart. Potassium regulation is therefore essential to avoid hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, and bananas provide potassium to the body, which contributes to heart health.
According to the American Heart Association, potassium-rich foods also play an important role in controlling blood pressure because they also contribute to heart health because they help lower cholesterol, especially harmful LDLs, that reduce heart disease and stroke.

Benefits of banana for skin and nipple

Fibers in bananas can also be useful for dieting because they help to feel fuller longer, because of its ability to absorb water. Eating high fiber foods will probably make you eat less food and you will lose weight by reducing the amount of food you eat. Talk to them.

Banana peel can also be used to heal the skin to reduce the appearance of acne, rubbing it for 5 to 10 minutes, leaving banana skin residue on the skin reducing inflammation after a few days.

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