Sometimes tooth decay can occur despite the attention to cleanliness


Severe dental pain accompanied by an inability to eat or drink, with difficulty opening your mouth or talking, all symptoms of tooth decay, finding that some people are vulnerable to others, and that is what we will learn in this report published by Lieu " Lakeportdental "He said.

Poor oral hygiene and frequent consumption of foods and beverages rich in sugars and citrus fruits are the main causes of tooth decay, the report says.

Causes of decay

The report pointed out that people who are interested in healthy food consumption in addition to the attention to cleaning teeth are the farthest removed from tooth decay, but are also exposed to a a number of factors, namely:

– Some bacteria in the mouth cause tooth decay, feeding on the sugars and carbohydrates contained in the foods and beverages that we consume and producing acids that dissolve the protective layer of the tooth enamel, thus facilitating their penetration in the teeth and their wounds.

If you do not produce enough saliva containing minerals that help neutralize acids and restore tooth enamel, you will be more likely to develop cavities.

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