Southern Sudan parties sign initial power-sharing agreement, Machar becomes vice-president


South Sudanese parties sign initial power-sharing agreement renomination of vice-president

Salva Kiir retains his position and opposition forces refuse to sign … Final agreement on August 5 [19659003] Thursday, July 13, 1439 – July 26, 2018 [

Henry Edward of Reak Machar signing the agreement [AFP]

London: Mustafa Sri
[KHARTOUM] As part of its regional efforts to end the conflict in that country, Khartoum has been holding a series of peace talks since June, between war leaders Kerr and Machar. Both parties agreed on a permanent ceasefire and withdraw their troops from residential areas. Both parties agreed to share power on July 7, but the signing of the agreement was delayed due to differences over the content of the agreement.
Sudanese Foreign Minister Dardiri Mohamed Ahmed said at the signing ceremony in Khartoum What was signed yesterday, a final agreement on August 5th. "A power-sharing document has been signed that addresses all outstanding issues during the interim period," Ahmed said. "Salva Kiir will remain the president of South Sudan and Riek Machar will be the first vice president." "The agreement was signed by the High Security Academy of Khartoum, the Government of Southern Sudan and the main armed opposition led by Riak Machar, some members of the coalition of political parties of Khartoum. opposition, civil society organizations.While the group of former political prisoners led by the former general secretary of the ruling People's Movement Party, Pagan Amum, and some members of the group of & prisonniers prisonniers…? opposition, sign agreement.
Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dardiri Mohammed Ahmed,
Once a peace agreement has been signed, the parties will have three months to form a government transition in a new format that will take power 36 more months. "Negotiations must continue until we reach an agreement," he said, adding that some groups opposition had refused to sign the ac According to Minister Dardari, it was decided to form a new cabinet of 35 ministers, endowed with the current government, 20 portfolios, the opposition led by Riek Machar, nine portfolios, the opposition coalition, 3 portfolios, the "former detainees" group and two ministers and political forces. , A minister. The agreement provides for the formation of the Legislative Council (parliament) of 550 deputies, the government has granted 330 seats, the Mishar bloc has 123 seats, the 50-seat opposition coalition and the other political forces 30 and former detainees 10 seats. To determine the number of provinces in the country. He said the parties had agreed to solve the problem of borders and the number of states of Southern Sudan by forming a commission during the third month of the transitional period to consider and settle the dispute. The Sudanese mediators team presented the parties with a special proposal to form a mechanism for demarcating national borders while maintaining state-level power-sharing.
The factions of Juba and the opposition rejected the draft agreement negotiated last week. . The new proposal identified 15 members of the commission who would determine the fate of 32 states rejected by opposition factions. The new document also proposed the appointment of five members of the Government of Southern Sudan, two representatives of the Machar Movement and a representative of the Alliance of Opposition Parties, the Former Prisoners' Group and the organizations of the society. civil. The document left the representatives of the troika countries as experts to include five representatives of the AU from Nigeria, Tanzania, Algeria, Chad and South Africa.
The proposal of the mediators suggested that the Delimitation Committee was limited to the alternatives proposed by the Parties. The decision-making mechanism has been modified in the event that the members of the commission fail to reach consensus and decisions are made by two-thirds of the committee members with at least seven of its members. F The new project, the People's Movement in Opposition, led by Ryak Machar, was appointed deputy speaker of parliament
A similar agreement was signed in 2015 but failed later, and it was ended with a bloody battle that avoided the exiles. War in South Sudan after Kiir accused his former MP, Machar, of conspiring to overthrow him. The White House warned in a statement that the United States doubted that South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and rebel leader Reak Machar have the necessary leadership qualities to bring peace to this country that has been at war since 2013.
Statement represents a stern American stance on the events of South Sudan, which supported Washington's independence in 2011 after a war with Sudan. Dozens of years Since independence, tens of thousands of people have been killed in a civil war in South Sudan.
The statement says, "We express our deep concern over the current peace process … the limited agreement among the elites will not solve the problems of southern Sudan." The statement called on the warring parties to establish a ceasefire at first and denounced the extension of CARE's mandate. "South Sudan's political leadership is not driven by the leadership needed to bring peace," he added. "We continue to doubt that they can lead a peaceful and supportive transition to democracy and good governance."
South Sudan, because of the fighting that takes place there. Juba did not have an official curfew, but the British Embassy and most international organizations found a curfew. London told its citizens to go to the British commission in Nairobi in the first place before heading to Juba. "We need to be wary of the local security situation, monitor the local media and stay in a safe place."
The United Kingdom has warned of the deterioration of security, which is still highly anticipated and may be caused in particular by the peace process and the fragile economy of the country. In the event of serious deterioration of security, for example in July 2016 and December 2013, the southern Sudan entry and exit routes would be closed, the airport closed or inaccessible, flights could be suspended during a short time and the main road between Juba and Uganda are extremely dangerous because they do not exclude the occurrence of terrorist attacks in southern Sudan.


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