Sovereignty What is the best vitamin for children? |


Nutrition during childhood is certainly one of the most important steps in building a healthy body, away from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. There are therefore some vitamins essential to the health of children. What's this? Vitamins are essential nutrients for the health of the child. They help strengthen the body and its structure, fight against diseases and improve its functioning. It is classified into two basic types because it is dissolved in water: Do not store it – if fat soluble: like vitamin D that stores fat in the body. It is very important to maintain both types and availability in the child's diet to prevent any deficiency in the body. There is no doubt that all kinds of vitamins are essential for children's health, but some vitamins can not be omitted or excluded from children's diets, including: 1. Vitamin A: This vitamin plays an important role in the vision in children and helps them to distinguish different colors. In addition, it helps the body of the child to fight inflammation by strengthening its immune system, including foods rich in vitamin A: vitamin A-liver enriched milk of orange and orange vegetables ( orange, carrots, melon, sweet potatoes). Dark green. 2. Vitamin B There are several types of B vitamins essential for children's health, such as folic acid, butane, pantothenic acid and others. These vitamins play an important role in the body's metabolism and energy production and contribute to the formation of red blood cells that contribute to the transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Here are some foods rich in B vitamins: A – whole grains such as wheat and oats – poultry and meat – eggs – green leafy vegetables – beans and peas. 3. Vitamin C: This vitamin is very important to preserve the child's tissues, such as blood vessels, bones and gums, which is also the best solution to treat wounds, also helps the health of the child against infections and diseases. Foods rich in vitamin C: citrus fruits such as oranges, melons, egg yolk, liver and enriched cereals. 4. Vitamin E: This vitamin is known as the beauty of vitamins. Of course, it is necessary for everyone, especially children, because it renews the cells of the body, especially those that are damaged. Vitamin E rich foods: – Whole grains such as wheat and oats – Wheat germ – Vegetable leafy vegetables – Vegetable oils such as sunflower, canola – Egg yolks – Nuts and seeds. 5. Vitamin K: Vitamin K is one of the most important vitamins that help blood clotting and stopping bleeding. The most important sources of this vitamin: – green leafy vegetables – dairy products – broccoli – soybean oil. Children who need vitamin supplements? Some children suffer from severe vitamin deficiencies and some supplements or vitamin supplements must be administered to compensate for this deficiency: children who do not eat regularly, especially fresh and balanced foods, children who do not eat or eat. Among chronic diseases such as asthma or gastrointestinal problems, children who eat a lot of processed and processed foods. Vegetarian children may need iron supplements or a dairy-free diet that may require calcium supplements. Source: Web Medicine

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