A huge asteroid called 2000 QW7 (twice the size of a tower lost in London) is approaching in about three weeks.
The rock, dubbed the "monster of space", which will fly near our planet at a speed of 23 111.79 km / h on September 14, will be 3.3 million kilometers from the Earth.
"A huge asteroid more than twice as large as the Empire State Building is expected to cross the Earth in three weeks.
The space monster is calling 467317 (2000 QW7) and will move to a record speed of 14,361 miles at the time in September. 14. "https://t.co/lagHET3e5k
– Allison (@HummAlli) August 20, 2019
However, according to the vast spatial plan, it is a small distance, so NASA considers this approach as "a close approach".
If the asteroid, which measures between 951 and 2 133 meters in diameter, is on Earth, it would act as the second tallest building in the world.
The experts said any fast-moving space object, about 4.65 million kilometers (4.65 million km), was considered "dangerous" by conservative space organizations.
A few days ago, SpaceX founder Elon Musk expressed concern that our planet might not be able to tackle giant asteroids by tweeting on his Twitter account.
The controversial billionaire made this scary comment in response to a friend 's message about NASA' s willingness to pay the threat of a huge space rock called the Chaos God (Apophis), which is expected to be in danger. approaching the Earth at about 30 000 km.
Source: the sun
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