Sport is good for brain health


Many scientific studies speak of the benefits of sport for human health in general and have a positive impact on the brain. According to the website "Today's Psychological", the US federal government communicated to US citizens the basic principles of physical activity in 2008, including an overview of the proportion of sports activities that the Americans should practice weekly, including muscle building exercises twice a week and 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. They should be followed by people in good health or at risk of chronic disease, especially since exercise can prevent some chronic diseases, including dementia.

By the end of 2018, this version has been revised. It includes a section on the link between physical activity and brain health and explains the benefits of exercise on cognition, sleep, depression, anxiety, and quality of life. general. In this context, the recognition of brain health by the government shows its importance for the health of the body and, therefore, for physical activity.

There are many ways to improve cognition. Aerobic exercises increase the heart rate and blood flow to the brain and cause breathing difficulties in case of seriousness. The more intense the breathing, the more oxygen in the brain is important, which leads to the formation of nerve cells in some parts of the brain, controls memory and thinking. The composition of these neurons increases brain size and this cognitive reserve is thought to help prevent the effects of dementia.

Neurotrophins, proteins that help neurons survive and function, also illustrate the relationship between cognition and sport. It has been noted that exercise increases these proteins, leading to better memory and greater learning ability. Exercise also increases the neurotransmitters in the brain, which improves the mood.

In addition, the sport gives hope to people with a rare genetic mutation likely to lead to Alzheimer's disease at an early age. Although sport can not completely resist genetic predisposition, people who exercise at least 150 minutes a week have better cognitive skills.

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