Standing at work … and his relationship with the reduction of obesity


We often hear about the health effects of a long, still sitting position when watching TV, working on the screen or even while driving. The severity of this phenomenon is referred to as modern smoking. The seats are associated with a range of chronic diseases and an increased risk of death.

And also health problems caused by this stable lifestyle: obesity, hypertension, diabetes.

The solution to this problem, and more specifically to work, is to stay upright, but a new study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where researchers have not found a significant impact on reducing obesity at work in flexible offices, allowing the other health benefits, the most important: limited reduction of high blood pressure, relief of lower back pain.

The study, published in the journal Epidoniumics, was based on a review of 53 previous studies, of which 45 were pilot studies, but 8 studies provided a good database on the rate of use and related data. to health.

The results showed that flexible office use that allows sitting and sitting varies from one person to the next, that this can be improved and that those who do use feel more comfortable and interact with the work environment and are not exposed to the pressure caused by sitting on the joints of the spine.

It should be noted that researchers have hugely warned against the risk of sitting too long, causing many diseases and health problems because the nature of the body is not ready for a great session and can affect all body members, especially the heart and blood vessels.

Researchers have found simple solutions that reduce the risk of sitting for long periods of time and moving every half hour. It is recommended to set the alarm to remind you to walk every 30 minutes, or to eat at least one meal a day and to perform certain tasks, such as surfing the Internet and others in walking.

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