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Scientists have confirmed that flying garlic oils are very effective at fighting the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. They at least mitigate the symptoms of the disease, even in people who do not benefit from antibiotics during their treatment.
"We discovered that volatile oils of garlic fought the boric acid bacteria responsible for Lyme disease and drug resistance," said John Hopkins, a professor of public health at Johns Hopkins University.
Scientists studied and analyzed the effect of volatile oils on 35 different plants and found that garlic's volatile oils were able to fight the bacteria that caused the disease very effectively.
In addition, scientists assume that volatile oils of thyme leaf, cinnamon leaf, clove leaf and cumin seed have similar characteristics.
Lyme disease is a contagious infection that affects many organs of the body and is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgerdorferi, which is transmitted to the human body by an infected tick.
These bacteria have a great ability to escape the immune system and the drugs used to fight them, and remain in the human body until the end of its life.
Lyme disease can affect any body member, including the brain, nervous system, muscles, joints and heart.
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