Study reveals ideal place for the origin of life


Titan’s surface is covered with organic hydrocarbons, and scientists believe its ice crust embraces an ocean of water.

According to a new scientific study, it is possible that an asteroid or a comet collided with Saturn’s moon, forming these two components, providing an ideal environment for the beginning of life.

ونقل موقع مجلة “ساينس” العلمية عن عالمة الكواكب في جامعة باريس, ليا بونفوي, قولها “إذا كان لدينا الكثير من الماء السائل مما يشكل بركة دافئة مؤقتة على سطح تيتان, فيمكن أن يكون لدينا ظروفا مناسبة للحياة لوجود مادة عضوية قد تمثل أصل ظهور the living beings”.

Scientists believe that the hydrosphere is located about 100 kilometers below Titan’s crust.

According to planetary geologist from the University of Campinas in Brazil, Alvaro Pintido Crosta, Saturn’s moon is filled with many craters, some of which are likely to transfer organic matter from the surface to the waters below to form what ‘he described as a “primitive soup for the evolution of life.”

Scientists suggest that the collision with Saturn’s moon formed a lake barely a million years ago before freezing in the cold temperatures of Titan, and that microbes therefore evolved to take advantage of liquid water and organic molecules, and heat resulting from the collision.

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